Tuesday, December 06, 2005

1:30 Rant

I'm sitting here, and its 1:30 on a tuesday morning. I can't get any bloodly sleep. Its probably because I had a nap for 2 hours. :p

I've joined CAL (Cyberathlete Amature League) and i'm on a team named - DyNaStY -

It was probably one of the worst decisions i've made of late considering how busy i've been in school. Its my senior year and i've got a stacked 4 subjects in first semester. Hopefully most of the games will be next Semester, when i've only go two subjects, can't wait for that.

Had a soccer game tonight starting at 11:30 *BRUTAL* we lost 1 - 0

Today (or is it yesterday) *Monday* has officially been declared the worst day of this year, so far. Damn math assignment. I get all the right answer, and yet he still give me a shit mark. I did it my own way, i created my own math, and it worked. The purpose of an assignment is to see if I understand what we been taught. If i can alter what i've learned, and make it easier, then i've obviously understood! That set me in a mood today that i've still not quite gotten over.
Time for some sleep. Tommorow/today ?... shouldn't be so bad. Just gota think... only three days of school left! ! !

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