Saturday, December 10, 2005


Friday . was . crazy
Every single part about the day was loopy. Ok, i'll take it from the top.

Waking up... I woke up early because i though i had school, when really i didn't.
I shoveled a couple driveways ... meh ... lots of snow, but it was light. It got me working tho, cuz I was out in a T-shirt and I wasn't yet cold.

Picked up Albert to do our little english movie which is also FUBAR. We had Wes come over to film for us... and somehow we ended up filming at IKEA. It's a great place to film because they have a million different setups for houses, but there was crappy music, and the staff kicked us out.

Somehome we wen't to McDonalds 3 times yesterday afternoon. 2 of those visits were within 10 min of eachother. 1 Big Mac before a hockey game boosts performance by 42.557% (it didn't hurt...i didn't get tired)

as for the 'gathering' i don't have the energy to explain it at this moment... but it was messed. afterwards i became mentally ill ... but with most illnesses... i just slept it off. :)

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